Ch. Khyi-Mi Bunti Lamleh - 'Bunti'

Bhagya Birthday: 1. April 2010 as the seventh one in the litter
Colour: white with black marks
Bite:  reverse scissors
Hips: A (Poland)
DNA: NCL / PLL DNA clear by parentage

Her name means: Khyi-Mi is the name of the native kennel and means Dog-Human, Bunti was the mother of the very first registered TT-litter, Lamleh signifies, that all the ancestry are evidently only dogs from Tibet.
Význam mena: Khyi-Mi je názov rodnej chovateľskej stanice znamená Pes-Človek, Bunti je meno matky prvého registrovaného vrhu tibetských teriérov, Lamleh naznačuje, že predkami sú dokázateľne iba psy pochádzajúce z krajiny pôvodu rasy.

Bunti in pictures :: Bunti v obrazoch

Bunti lives with her owner Jolanta Cichecka in Poland.
Bunti žije v Poľsku a jej majiteľkou je Jolanta Cichecka.

Titles :: Tituly

C.I.B, Champion of Poland, Russia, RKF, Lithuania, Moldova, Cyprus, Ukraine, Polish Club Winner 2012, Polish Junior Champion, Slovakia Junior Winner 2011, Polish Junior Club Winner 2011, Open Slovakian Championship, Open Deutschland Championschip
multi CAC/CWC, multi CACIB, multi BOS, multi BOB Baby, multi BOB, BOG 3, BOG 5