We live with Tibetan Terriers because they are loyal like dogs and intelligent like people. With our breeding, we would like to help to keep this fantastic breed healthy, beautiful and cheerful.
We speak English :: wir sprechen deutsch :: мы говорим по-русски :: говорим български
We live with Tibetan Terriers because they are loyal like dogs and intelligent like people. With our breeding, we would like to help to keep this fantastic breed healthy, beautiful and cheerful.
Žijeme s tibetskými teriérmi lebo sú verné ako psy a inteligentné ako ľudia. Naším chovateľským cieľom je zachovať túto fantastickú rasu zdravú, krásnu a veselú.
we use and recommend
používame a odporúčame
All of our dogs are groomed exclusively with Plush Puppy. Všetky naše psy sú upravované výhradne s Plush Puppy.
Našim psíkom chutí Brit.